Thursday, January 29, 2015

Frowny Face

There is little to smile about today. The Senate passed their bill approving the Keystone pipeline. The Koch juggernaut is aiming $900 million at the election process. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has declared climate change can no longer be prevented. Ukraine is a battleground holding against a superpower. ISIS is threatening more murder. The flu is raging and its freezing out. There are some days where all seems lost. I am not going to dig out a "feel good" adage or find a way to look on the bright side. There are times when we just need to take in the reality of our situation and figure out what to do about it. What can we do about a culture that will "drill baby drill" us right out of existence? What can we do about a government that is not working for the people but for the fat cats who need no help. What can we do to aid societies around the world struggling to create a democratic future against staggering odds? Its true that at any given time the news can be overwhelmingly bad but one way or another we steer a course thru the chaos and persist. Today is not one of those days. Looking around you wouldn't know that there was a concern in the world. We are still buying SUV's like fossel fuel is as clean and sweet as bottled water. (Don't get me started on bottled water.) We are lining up at the Apple store as if the iPhone is our key to immortality. We keep electing people too concerned about their political futures to concern themselve about the future of the people and the country. Wait, maybe I am reading the wrong news reports. Maybe I am watching the wrong news programs and maybe I should just change the channel on the TV. Yes, that's the answer. Change the channel. That will fix it.


  1. Here here! Nobody seems to care about workers at Foxconn. The newest iphone broke all kinds of records...

  2. Here here! Nobody seems to care about workers at Foxconn. The newest iphone broke all kinds of records...

    1. iPhones made in China for pennies on the hour - hooray for us
