Monday, January 5, 2015

The key to pacticing the Three R's

Most of us have heard the three R's of learning, i.e Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic, many many times. There are three more R's that are just as important and that make a huge difference in our communities and on the planet: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. As a practical matter this boils down to a few simple actions: 1) don't buy things you don't need or items that come in wasteful packaging or that cannot be recycled, 2) reuse and repurpose what do you buy - a rule of thumb might be to reuse at least three times; then finally 3) recycle whatever solid and organic waste that you can. Fundamentally this can be summed up in a fourth R - Rethink what you do every day. When shopping, don't let store clerks toss one item into a plastic bag rather carry it out as is or bring your own cloth bag. When you're done with a package see if it can be used to store something else or grow a plant or line a litter box. And when you have cleaned up the kitchen or cleaned out the closet see what you can recycle back to the supermarket, or in municipal recycling or in a compost pile or at a thrift shop. The three R's of the environment start with one: Rethink then rethink again.

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