Monday, January 19, 2015

Pajama Day

After sleeping in til 9 this morning I am declaring this my unofficial pajama day. Slogging to work yesterday thru freezing rain and slippery roads, and putting in a mean eight hours, make it that much more luxurious to say NO to going anywhere today. The spontaneous decision to stay put supports the notion of not making any plans cuz its kind of too late to do so anyway. But not going anywhere doesn't mean I don't do anything. I have already written and submitted one grant application on behalf of a community garden project, and I may do another one. I have already read thru most of the Sunday New York Times and will next wrestle the crossword puzzle. I am about to twist and "Om" my way thru a yoga practice and then maybe make some soup. But that is about the sum of my ambitions. More important, the fact that today we celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King is all the more reason to sit and reflect. Special days like this are set aside for reflection on the genesis of those celebrations, the people and situations that engendered them, and how they mold our own way of living. News articles have called 2015 the year of action and its clear there is still much to do on many fronts. Today is a good day to decide what form those actions will take.

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