Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It all starts with a seed

I have been thinking about my vegetable garden, which is not unusual as I am often thinking about growing, picking, preparing or eating homegrown veggies. So naturally this is the time of year those thoughts turn to seeds, i.e. which seeds to pick from my library, which to buy out of a myriad of catalogs, which to swap with friends, and when to start them growing. As we set about planning for a community garden a friend and fellow gardener remarked to me recently "It all starts with a seed". Indeed all good things start with a seed of some kind. In my case, it leads to an abundance of tomatoes, greens, squashes, beans and more. But it could also be a seed of an idea, a musical phrase, a splash of color, an unaswered question. These in turn can lead to a symphony, or watercolor, or scientific breakthrough. Seeds are in fact just the possibilities we can crack wide open every day if we so choose. I can't compose symphonies or paint waterlilies but I sure can dig in the earth then watch my garden grow and bloom again this year.


  1. I love this. Congratulations. You have launched a way to share so much. A perfect niche. I will share this great spot with my contacts.

  2. Thanks Jeanne. Glad you're on board!
