Thursday, January 1, 2015

Resolving to simplify

I resolve this year to do the one thing that can make the most difference in the most areas of my life individually and our lives collectively. Simplify. To simplify means making something simpler or easier to do or understand. To more easily understand and focus on the essentials of living well it seems to me that getting rid of the clutter that generally surrounds us is step number one. The digital age has layered electronic clutter on top of the materialistic clutter that has defined our society since the end of the great war to the point that we are constantly distracted and almost never have nothing to do. Stuff is everywhere....stuff in the garage so there is no room for the car, stuff in every room of the house so that organizing and cleaning is a full time job, stuff in the car so that there is no room for passengers, stuff in the fridge that has been forgotten and morphed into a living thing, stuff in the closet that hasn't seen the light of day in years. And we stuff our heads with Facebook, music, news, movies, TiVo, Roku, Hulu oh my. Enough. I vow that I will have 30 minutes a day to do nothing except breathe, and look, and listen, and touch, and just be.

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