Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A little Peace and Love please

I was driving home from work on a dark, damp, cold afternoon feeling every bit as gloomy as the weather when Aquarius/Let in the Sunshine started to play on the radio. It didn't take more than a few seconds for me to become instantly refreshed and singing along. I wasn't a die hard hippie but did have my moments back in the day so naturally this song brought me back to the time when bell bottoms ruled and peace and love were in the air. It wasn't all wine and roses back in the 60's and 70's. As the Vietnam war took its toll on young lives, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr and other leaders were assasinated, and students at Kent State were gunned down I felt a piece of myself was lost with each of them. But the possibilities for change were very much alive. We marched to end war, we protested injustice, we started Earth Day, we pushed for equality, we demonstrated our anger and disappointment and we made a difference. I can't help but believe that we could make the dramatic changes that our nation and world desperately need today if the same spirit ruled. A wrecked environment, income and social inequality, bigotry and intolerance, gun violence, and endless wars keep the fires of discontent raging. Seems to me the message of love and peace has never needed a louder voice, so sing on, dream on and march on.


  1. Amen to that! We could use a little of that rebellious spirit nowadays!

    1. Yes - think of how Power to the People changed things in this country.
