Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Open Letter to the Lamestream Media

I am no fan of Sarah Palin (other than the brilliant Tina Fey takeoffs on SNL) but I must stand with Palin against what she calls the Lamestream media. Which is why I wrote this post on Facebook today. "Open letter to CNN, MSNBC and any other media outlets feeding the beast by giving The Donald free airtime day after day after day and by lobbing softballs his way. Be the journalists we need you to be: ask tough questions, challenge baseless responses and clear the way to a true understanding of the difficult situations we face today and for years to come." I am stunned by the ceaseless ass kissing that I see on the cable news channels. At this point there are very few of those that I will tune into and trust me, the minute there is reference to an upcoming Trump interview.....I am outta there! I know we have a long way to go til the election, but every primary and every caucus that goes by just further entrenches the viewpoints espoused by the candidates, especially the leading candidates. I have to wonder if the leaders would be leading without the generous support of commentators paying daily homage to the dealmaker par excellence. My title for The Donald is not dealmaker rather "master manipulator at large". Just because he dusted off his family bible and waved it in front of the camera does not make him a devout believer let alone an evangelical. Such is the stuff of modern media that this showmanship transpires as news worthy of prime time. I can go on but I made a commitment to myself that I would not play in the mud at this stage, and would wait til the election when I will do what is the only reasonable option for this country - vote Democrat. So I swear - this is the last rant about the current state of election affairs that you will hear from me.