Thursday, December 17, 2015

To Tree or Not To Tree

I have not had a real Christmas tree since my son was about 10 years old - today he turns 34 so its been a long time. It sort of evolved gradually, first as an attempt to inject some creativity into the usual decorations I grew up with. Then it was a question of whether it would be better to get an artificial tree that would last more than a year. Then it became a question of whether we should be cutting down those living, breathing, carbon-sucking, fragrant pine beauties for a week or two of indoor entertainment. Finally I landed on the side of keeping the trees in the ground where I think they belong. But that doesn't mean that a shimmering plastic thing is making its way from China to my house or that there are no twinkling Christmas lights at play but it does mean that I still rely on an extra dose of creativity to keep it festive. Best still, I like to decorate my outdoor trees which, by the grace of mother nature, are the perfect size and shape to hold the lights that I so adore. This way I get to enjoy the holiday without sweeping loose pine needles off the floor every day or without the disasters that my tree-climbing cat would inevitably inflict on said tree. I only ask one thing for all the real tree fans, please please please recycle responsibly. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my family and friends.