Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Animal cruelty

What is it about photos and videos of abused animals that compels otherwise sensible people to share the horror? I have seen more such photos of unforgivable acts against innocent animals than I care to remember. Are we really trying to shine a light on the abuser or is there some strange need to deliberately turn our stomachs? We should not tolerate abuse and we should protect and cherish the pets who depend on us for affection as well as care but does sharing gory nasty depictions of abuse do that? Maybe I am more squeamish than most but I find myself quickly scrolling thru such shared information wondering how many more times it will show up on my screen. Do we share photos of cattle being slaughtered so we can enjoy hamburgers for our weekend cookout? Do we shine a light on the chickens and pigs who never see the light of day let alone be allowed to stand up and walk? Where is the outrage when big agriculture cages 300 million chickens so they can produce eggs non-stop. These animals are excluded from all federal animal protection laws. What else do we know and not know about how factory farms foster more animal abuse every day? Care for what happens to animals? See what the ASPCA has to say and then decide what is important to share.